(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Who are the organisers?
A consortium of organisations, coordinated by Vijnana Bharati will organise the event.
ICAT – International Centre for Automobile Technologies - Technical Partner
Kerala Staurup Mission – support for boot camps and training
ASDC – Automobile Skill Development Council – skill upgradation
SCGJ – Skill Council for Green Jobs – workshop and training
Devise Electronics – training partner
TERI – knowledge partner and
other similar organisations
2. What is the prize?
No prize money. Trophies for first 3 positions in each categories.
Other prizes include:
Most Innovative Design
Best Engineering
Safest Vehicle
Promotion using Social Media
Spirit of the event
3. What is the registration process?
a. Fill the Contact Us form
b. Get the rule book by email
c. Decide the class of vehicles
d. Make payment towards registration fee
e. Take part in workshops / training
f. Design and build vehicles
g. Update with documentation and registration fee instalments
4. What are the classes of vehicles?
a. Cruiser Class – with 2 to 4 people travelling on normal road from Kochi to Delhi, around 3000 kms. Recharging from grid is allowed, after 300 to 400 kms. Each kW energy taken from grid will reduce points earned and winner will be decided based on different parameters, like design, functionality, lateness, persons travelled etc.
b. Challenger Class – only 1 person driving on a racing track, testing the speed and endurance in a racing track. Minimum speed requirement is 60 km/hr.
Cruiser class (2 to 4 people), external charging allowed
Challenger Class, 1 driver, driven by solar power only
5. Retrofitting of old vehicles allowed ?
6. Where do the team stay during night in the Kochi – Delhi expedition?
Engineering College campuses in the route after 300 to 400 kms will be arranged for overnight stay. Teams will have to drive from 8 am to 5 pm to cover the stipulated distance to reach to the next control point. After 5 pm, students from surrounding colleges and general public will be allowed to visit the exhibition of the team vehicles. There will be cultural programmes and food courts arranged for everyone.
7. Who will support to design and build the vehicle?
There will be extensive training given for designing and building vehicles, marketing for sponsorships and pitching the start-up project to prospective investors. Such training sessions will be organised in Delhi, Pune and Kochi. OEM component suppliers / Industries, supporting the teams can also help them build the vehicle by in-kind facilities – workshops, lab facilities, testing grounds, technical mentoring etc.
8. How to generate funds for building vehicle and taking part in the challenge?
Have someone taking the lead to generate funds from within the team.
Own funds
Technical institution / University support
OEM Component manufacturers to supply their products at reduced price or for free
Grants or subsidies from DST / MNRE / Atal Innovation Mission and other governmental agencies
Training and workshop support from SCGJ / ASDC
Financial support from organisations like IEEE, IEI, etc.
In-kind facility support (lab testing, moulding, construction, logistics etc)
Philanthropic support from Alumni of the institution
Branding / sponsorship from any corporate houses
Government support in the form of seed capital if registered under Startup Missions
Angel / VC funding, if any innovation in product development is targeted
Crowd funding mechanisms through social media promotions
Selling of merchandise (t-shirts, caps, bags etc) to support the team
International collaboration with foreign teams to build the vehicle jointly (at a reduced price tag in India)
9. What if the event is called off?
In case of lack of sufficient number of registrations in any category, that part may be called off. In case of any other force majeure (uncontrollable) reasons, it can get cancelled. Registration fee will be refunded fully in such scenarios. Event organisers liability towards teams is limited to the fee collected.
10. When is the event?
Exact dates will be declared soon. 14 – 28 March 2021 is the targeted dates.
It takes 8 to 10 days for the Cruiser class teams to reach Delhi.
11. Can I work with SuryaKranti Solar Challenge?
There are many opportunity to work as volunteer or in the organising committee.
12. What are the sponsorship opportunities for the event / teams?
Title Sponsorship, Platinum, Gold, Silver and General Sponsorship
In-kind facilities
Discounted / free supply of OEM components
Logistical support (travel, transportation, uniforms, communication devises accommodation, etc)
13. Once we build the vehicle, can it be run on the roads?
Only after qualifying the static and dynamic scrutiny, teams will be allowed to enter the road or the racing track. Even for testing, they should not use any public roads. If any teams are caught by the (police / MVD) authorities without legal permission to enter the roads, the organisers will not be liable for the legal complications. Temporary registrations will be provided for the vehicles to run on the road, as per the specific instructions of the organisers. After the event, the vehicles will have to be taken out of the road.
14. How the teams prepare for the expedition?
Every team can have 2 or more escort vehicles. Permission to use Yellow beacon lights will be allowed for these vehicles. Other supporting team members need to use these vehicles.
15. Should we bring our own trailer vehicle to carry the solar car when damaged?
We will arrange Roadside Assistance from major service providers during the whole stretch of the trip. But, it is advised to have a trailer / truck with vehicle carrying features. If a trailer is used, make sure that, it is legally designed to run on Indian roads. In the case of a truck, you could load everything related with the solar car – parts, tools, extra tyres etc – in the same vehicle and would be ideally suitable to move around.
16. Who will provide accommodation and food during the expedition?
Each team will have to find their methods: using tents, carry sleeping bag, sheets, blankets or other items. Campuses may provide rooms, but not mandatory. Accommodation in hotels near the campus is also possible, but ideally this is not advised. Food courts / canteen will be made available in the control points from where team members can buy stuff. The organisers are not liable to provide accommodation or food to the teams.
17. When can we get the route map for Kochi – Delhi expedition?
It will be made available to the team managers by the end of May 2020. A trial run from Kochi to Delhi will be done prior to fixing the route and control stops.
18. Whom should we contact for further details?
There are Team Registration Volunteers who will interact with you, once you fill the form and show your interest to register.
19. What is the registration fee amount?
Amount of registration fee is Rs 1.2 lacs. Early-bird registration till the 29 Feb 2020 will be Rs 1 lac. Only 10% need to be paid along with the initial application. The balance can be paid along with the balance documentation process. (10%+30%+30%+30%). Lat date of closing the registration is 31 March 2020.
20. What about going for World Solar Challenge, Australia?
Teams will be competent to take part in the World Solar Challenge, Australia without much trouble, as they would have sufficient experience through SuryaKranti. We are approaching companies to sponsor the winning teams to meet all expenses for the participation.